The Boruto: Two Blue Vortex series has brought significant changes to the world of Naruto, especially in terms of Boruto’s power development and the eventual downfall of Code. Boruto Uzumaki, once seen as a promising young shinobi, has now evolved into one of the most formidable characters in the series. Meanwhile, Code, who was once seen as the next major villain following the defeat of Isshiki Otsutsuki, finds himself struggling against the power that Boruto has now come to wield.
In this article, we will explore how Boruto’s monster power has evolved throughout Boruto: Two Blue Vortex and examine the reasons behind Code’s downfall in the face of this overwhelming strength.
The Rise of Boruto’s Monster Power in Two Blue Vortex
Boruto's transformation from a young, somewhat reckless ninja to a figure of god-tier power has been a major highlight of the series. After inheriting the power of Momoshiki Otsutsuki during the early parts of Boruto, Boruto has slowly learned to harness and control these abilities. However, Two Blue Vortex marks the moment when Boruto’s power truly reaches monstrous levels.
At the beginning of the series, Boruto struggled to maintain control over the power Momoshiki had granted him, often fearing that it would consume him. But as the series progressed, Boruto not only gained better control but also started to merge his ninja abilities with the Otsutsuki power, creating a new and incredibly potent fighting style. His ability to tap into the immense energy of the Otsutsuki made him a key player in the ongoing battle against Code and other enemies.
Momoshiki’s Influence: Boruto’s Power Transformation Explained
Momoshiki Otsutsuki plays a pivotal role in Boruto’s power evolution. After being defeated by Boruto in the earlier arcs, Momoshiki implanted his Karma seal on Boruto, giving the young ninja access to Otsutsuki abilities. Over time, this Karma seal evolved, not only amplifying Boruto’s strength but also giving him access to Momoshiki’s memories, knowledge, and power.
However, this power came with risks. Boruto constantly feared losing control and allowing Momoshiki to take over his body completely. The tension between Boruto and Momoshiki created an inner struggle, but as Boruto matured, he found a way to use this power without losing himself. In Two Blue Vortex, this balance between Boruto and Momoshiki reaches a new level, allowing Boruto to unleash powers far beyond anything seen before.
The Evolution of Boruto’s Abilities: From Shinobi to God-Tier Power
Throughout the series, Boruto's abilities have steadily grown. Initially, he relied on traditional ninja techniques like the Rasengan, Shadow Clones, and his father Naruto’s methods. But after receiving Momoshiki’s Karma, Boruto’s powers underwent a dramatic shift. His speed, strength, and combat instincts became heightened, and he developed new abilities unique to the Otsutsuki, such as space-time ninjutsu and energy manipulation.
In Two Blue Vortex, Boruto becomes something more than just a shinobi. His mastery of Otsutsuki powers, combined with his own natural talent, transforms him into a near-godlike figure. The Rasengan, which was once his signature move, now takes on a more devastating form. Boruto’s ability to manipulate space-time also becomes crucial in his battles, especially against Code.
Boruto’s Newfound Strength: Mastering Otsutsuki Powers
One of the most significant aspects of Boruto’s evolution is his ability to master the Otsutsuki powers he inherited from Momoshiki. Unlike previous generations of shinobi, who relied primarily on ninjutsu, Boruto integrates Otsutsuki techniques into his fighting style. He can now manipulate massive amounts of chakra with ease, summon destructive energy blasts, and even see into the future, a skill connected to Momoshiki’s clairvoyance.
This ability to predict his enemies’ moves gives Boruto a significant advantage over powerful opponents, including Code. It allows him to stay several steps ahead in combat, anticipating attacks and outmaneuvering enemies before they even have a chance to strike.
Boruto’s Connection with the Shinju and Its Impact on His Powers
In Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, the Shinju, or Divine Tree, becomes a central figure in Boruto’s journey. The Shinju is an ancient, powerful tree that has ties to the Otsutsuki clan and their ability to consume planets for chakra. Boruto’s connection to the Shinju plays a key role in amplifying his power as it allows him to draw on energies far beyond a normal shinobi’s capacity.
This connection to the Shinju also creates potential storylines around Boruto’s relationship with other characters, particularly Shinki, the adoptive son of Gaara. If Boruto’s powers continue to be influenced by the Shinju, it could further enhance his abilities, making him a more formidable opponent against threats like Code.
Kashin Koji’s Influence on Boruto’s Power Growth
Kashin Koji, a clone of Jiraiya, has played a significant role in shaping Boruto’s journey in Two Blue Vortex. Koji himself is an incredibly powerful character with abilities similar to the legendary Great Toad Sage, allowing him to see into the future. This foresight power becomes essential for Boruto, as Kashin Koji acts as a mentor figure, helping Boruto understand the dangers of his Otsutsuki powers and how to harness them more effectively.
Through Kashin Koji’s guidance, Boruto is able to grow both in skill and wisdom. Koji’s influence helps Boruto navigate the complexities of his abilities, ultimately leading him to master his powers more completely.
Code’s Decline: How Boruto’s Monster Power Overwhelmed Him
Code, who was once considered the heir to Isshiki Otsutsuki’s legacy, starts off as one of the most powerful threats in the series. After gaining access to the powers of the White Karma, Code believed he would surpass even the likes of Naruto and Sasuke. However, as Boruto’s powers evolve, Code begins to falter.
Code’s primary goal is to resurrect the Otsutsuki God and gain control of the Ten-Tails. He believes that with these powers, he can conquer the shinobi world. However, Boruto’s continued evolution becomes a major obstacle. As Boruto grows stronger, Code finds it increasingly difficult to contend with him. The power dynamic shifts drastically, and Code's confidence begins to crumble.
Code’s Plan to Harness Otsutsuki Power and Its Ultimate Failure
Code’s plan revolves around harnessing Otsutsuki power to fulfill his ambitions. He aims to absorb the chakra of the Divine Tree and become a god-like being capable of rewriting the world. However, his reliance on this plan proves to be his downfall. Despite gaining formidable abilities through his White Karma, Code is unable to match Boruto’s ever-growing power.
In the climactic battles of Two Blue Vortex, Code’s plans start to unravel as Boruto’s superior strength and strategic thinking overwhelm him. Code’s dream of becoming an Otsutsuki God shatters as he faces the full force of Boruto’s monster power.
The Power Struggle Between Boruto and Code in Two Blue Vortex
The rivalry between Boruto and Code forms the core conflict in Two Blue Vortex. While Code starts off as the more dangerous villain, Boruto’s rapid evolution flips the power dynamic. Their battles are intense and highlight the growing gap between the two characters, with Boruto gradually taking the upper hand due to his mastery of Otsutsuki powers.
Code’s inability to cope with Boruto’s newfound strength marks the beginning of his downfall. Despite his ambitions and dangerous powers, Code cannot keep up with Boruto’s rapid development.
The Downfall of Code: How Boruto’s Evolution Led to Code’s Defeat
Ultimately, Code’s downfall is sealed by Boruto’s relentless growth. What once seemed like an evenly matched battle becomes a one-sided affair as Boruto’s mastery of his powers reaches new heights. Code’s failure to surpass Boruto leads to his defeat, marking the end of his reign as a major threat.
The downfall of Code serves as a reminder of how power can shift quickly in the Boruto universe. Boruto’s evolution from a young ninja to a god-tier warrior completely disrupts the balance of power, leaving Code with no path to victory.
Boruto’s rise to power in Two Blue Vortex is nothing short of extraordinary. From his early struggles with Momoshiki’s influence to mastering his Otsutsuki abilities, Boruto has become one of the most powerful characters in the series. Meanwhile, Code’s once-promising villainous arc has been undermined by Boruto’s relentless growth, leading to his eventual defeat. The ongoing battle between Boruto and Code highlights the dramatic shifts in power within the Boruto universe and sets the stage for even greater confrontations in the future.